Getting Started

To start using ST-Hadoop, simply download its binaries or its source code from here. ST-Hadoop is a distributed system that runs on clusters. ST-Hadoop is a MapReduce framework for spatio-temporal data. Before start working with ST-Hadoop, it is necessary to have an up-and-running Hadoop instance.


Main Features:

These following tutorials describe how to get started by using ST-Hadoop by building and accessing the spatio-temporal indexes. In each tutorial, we will walk you through a simple and a clear example of how you exploit indexing and querying features inside ST-Hadoop.  

- Spatio-temporal indexing.

- Spatio-temporal Range Query. 

- Spatio-temporal Join. 

- Extendable Spatio-temporal Shape

Installation and Configuration:

ST-Hadoop is designed in a generic way which allows it to run on any configured Hadoop cluster. ST-Hadoop was tested on Apache Hadoop 2.7.2 but it should run seamlessly on other distributions of Hadoop as well. First, you need to setup traditional Hadoop. Once Hadoop is configured, you can install ST-Hadoop on that distribution which adds the new classes and configuration files to the cluster allowing the new commands to be used. You can also use ST-Hadoop as an external JAR after building it with maven. 


  • This tutorial sets up ST-Hadoop on Linux. If you want to run SpatialHadoop on Windows, you can try Hortonworks.
  • JavaTM 1.6.x or higher must be installed. We recommend using Java 1.6.0_24.

    To check the version of Java installed type

    $ java -version

    To install java type

    $ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless

Compile and Build from source code:

To build ST-Hadoop binaries from the source code, the user can use Apache Maven build tool. Simply run a maven in the root source folder of ST-Hadoop. You should find ST-Hadoop under the ./target directory.

--- mvn compile

--- mvn assembly:assembly


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